Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Not my balls honey..

Why is rape Rape? A question that i had been trying to resolve for quite some time, but the solution to which seemed quite elusive to the kind of reasoning i was following. No, It was not a "guilty until proven innocent" scenario. I was not trying to find some reason to implicate someone whom the public has already lynched. I was willing to accept rape as natural turn of events if my reasoning took me to that end. But then it came to me, a clarity of vison. And the verdict is...'guilty as charged'. String him up from the nearest tree. Die you cretin Die!
I always..from the absence of rape in the animal kingdom. No lion forces himself on a lioness because he knows for sure that his balls would be strung across the nearest bush. On the other hand when the strongest dude with the richest mane walks down and sniffs the nether side of his choice she is one welcoming bitch...why? survival of the fittest silly!!
This is the concept that turns on its head once we get into human 'society.' In what can only be termed as a gendercide or gender cleansing, the female of the species was wiped out and replaced by..women.
Now..all ye people out there who have grown used to understanding themselves as women dont get me wrong here...I am only saying that there is much more to you than you have been allowed think of yourselves as. You have been deceived by the male populace and brain-washed members of your own species into thinking that you dont have the one thing that makes life worth living...choice. Oh well...yes, the bra-burning lot created the modern-age woman who makes her own 'choice.' The woman who 'chooses' to work hard so that she can drive a car instead of travelling by bus and get pinched in the ass. The woman who 'chooses' divorce cos her husband went and screwed her best friend (lucky bastard!). That is not choice my dears...that is just a higher level of deception. The same deception that makes you live a life-style that deteriorates you physically and makes you mentally sub-serviant. One and a half times the muscular strength, my ass. Say that to a bull-elephant trying to get on top of an uninviting female... there will be blood my dear friends; high chance it will be the fore-skin rather than the hymen. Real choice is when a male knows that it is not worth loosing his balls trying to screw a female who is not exactly looking for sex, rather than any fancy notion of "gentlemen respecting a womans integrity and her personal space."
Disclaimer - This is no grand attempt to change the system. No way there is going to be a grand 'back to nature' revolution saving the femaler gender. Just letting everybody know that this is the way things are and we are pretty much screwed till the giant people-eating cockroaches come from Ursula Minor and eat all the people.